The Siege of Cair Andros Solo Progression

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Copterman 1045

DECK NAME - A Fool's Hope

OVERVIEW - This quest is quite silly in terms of difficulty in the same vein at Attercop Attercop from Return to Mirkwood. You draw the wrong card, and you're dead. But there’s more than just Attercop Attercop to worry about here. the Power of Mordor is the worst card in the game imo. It’s basically a “you lose the game” treachery that can’t be canceled. Add in other over-the-top silly cards like an early Battering Ram and stacks of shadow cards, and it's easy to see why this quest is notorious.

So strategy-wise the best approach is to siege quest with as a high a total as you can muster in an attempt to clear the 3 Battleground locations and then try and quest past stage 5b with high . seems to be the best bet. Just won 3 straight with this deck, but it's just as easy to lose 3 in a row. Beorn and Boromir make up for the lack of Unexpected Courage and Thalin plus the direct damage effects can hopefully cancel entire strings of insane shadow effects.



  • SETUP - Winged Guardian, Defender of Rammas or Feint are good cards to start with
  • EARLY ROUNDS - just try and keep your threat from going up by siege questing a best you can; priority #1 is getting The Banks into the Victory display; if not, in the word's of Ivan Drago - "You vill lose."
  • Gondorian Spearman is great for killing Orc Scramblers
  • Thalin + Weapons + Goblin-cleaver can deal with all but the biggest enemies
  • Swift Strike - the dream is using it to kill Haradrim Elite when it is revealed

Good luck!