Thematic LOTR Saga - The Ring Goes South

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BeowolfMN 116

Thematic LOTR Saga

Check out my first deck for a full intro to playing the Thematic LOTR Saga.

Decks in Saga:

  1. A Shadow of the Past (plus The Old Forest & The Barrow-Downs)
  2. A Knife in the Dark
  3. Flight to the Ford


I wanted to stick to the fellowship itself for this one. Even with allies as much as possible.

Storyline Heroes: Sam Gamgee, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir

Close Heroes (+1 threat): Elrond, Bilbo Baggins, Arwen, Saruman

Theme for this deck: The Fellowship

Off-Theme Allies & Attachments

  • 2x Arwen Undómiel but she is so close... No replacements because is only the Fellowship here, and you need more allies.
  • 2x Steward of Gondor again. This card is too good. Super important for Gimli


Mulligan for Steward of Gondor.

I tended to actually use Aragorn as my weapon, not Legolas. Gimli is obviously the defender, just amazing with Relic of Nargothrond, Gondorian Shield or Armored Destrier and Arwen Undómiel's boost.

The first Unexpected Courage goes on Aragorn then he can quest and kill.


This deck was fun to play. When the Watcher comes out, it is important to have some attack beef left to do the 6 you need first turn. It will make things easier. I tended to leave a chump to defend that I had an extra copy of in my hand, though Gimli with all of his toys can defend the Watcher.

I ran Bulwark of the West so that I could get rid of Lust for The Ring if it came out. Of course, I didn't get my Bulwark of the West, so I had to take the burden!


Nov 16, 2022 NERD 808

Why not include Elven-light. It is basically an auto-include in this type of deck. Consider replacing Steward of Gondor with Dwarven Shield. If you want to make a thematic deck, Steward ruins it in my opinion.

Nov 17, 2022 BeowolfMN 116

@NERD could definitely include Elven-light. I can't remember now if I ran into card draw issues or not.

I am not a fan of Dwarven Shield I don't like the two things it is trying to do compete with each other. It gives you +1 which makes it harder to get damaged and receive a resource. I would want something more reliable on Gimli or move the other cards in the deck away from and save Gimli's resources for his ability.

Nov 17, 2022 NERD 808

Well, you included Gondorian Shield and Dúnedain Warning, so presumably, those attachments are to stop Gimli from taking damage. If you don't include those attachments (which are decently unthematic), Gimili should be taking damage. However, I see your point.