A Knife in the Dark Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Copterman 1034

DECK NAME - A Walk in the Park


OVERVIEW - This deck has enough card draw and threat reduction so that we can control which enemies we engage and when. With this deck we hope to never have to shuffle a set aside Ringwraith into the encounter deck. At the end of the game we'll Hail of Stones the 2 Ringwraiths and attack and kill the Witch King. Deck can stall out if you don't start the game with some card draw so mulligan for card draw!



  • SETUP - we are looking for card draw in our opening hand; mulligan for it
  • STAGE 1 - focus on keeping your threat low and DRAWING CARDS in the early game; commit only Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee (or Glorfindel if he has Light of Valinor attached) and any allies you get out early to the quest. This will mean Bill Ferny only increases threat by 1 and you aren't forced to shuffle a Ringwraith into the encounter deck; keep your threat low with all the threat reduction until you can "kill Bill" with Hail of Stones
  • STAGE 2 - don't travel to Midgewater Marsh until you are sure you will have progress on the quest to discard at the end of the round
  • STAGE 3 - Traveling to Weathertop usually doesn't make sense. When you engage the Witch-King, remember you can't Feint him, but Sam or Gandalf can take the blow with the help of a Hasty Stroke. Attack back and kill - response-boosted Sam w Merry and Glorfindel w 3X Dagger of Westernesse provides the needed 14 . Kill the 2 Ringwraiths with 2X Hail of Stones or in combat. The order of events depends on the playthrough. Just don't exhaust the ring until you're ready to deal with the reduced engagement cost of the Nazgul.
  • CARD DRAW - Gandalf, Hobbit Pipe, Foe-hammer, and Frodo's Intuition should give you nice accelerated card draw; again, make sure your opening hand has some card draw out of the gate; if not, mulligan
  • THREAT REDUCTION - no problem with this deck
  • COMBAT - save a Hasty Stroke for the Witch King (or get it back with Dwarven Tomb); remember the Witch King's engagement cost is -30 if the One Ring is exhausted; 3X Feint can help against surprise engagements with the other 2 Ringwraiths; if possible don't optionally engage enemies in staging unless you can draw cards from Foe-hammering them
  • TREACHERY CANCELLATION - Always try and have a copy of A Test of Will in hand; use Dwarven Tomb to insure you do. Don't forget the One Ring can cancel a Black Breath if needed.