Damrod's Fun Run

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Nets, Knots, Branches, and Brambles 2 2 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

Pirate Brahm has a newer deck inspired by this one: Nets, Knots, Branches, and Brambles

Draw. Questing. Control. Traps. Healing.

Plays well with combat decks.

I've built a few mono-Lore Damrod trap decks (http://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/3477/lost-in-the-forest-4-0-1.0), but I always wished I had a few more resources to spare. That's when I figured that Arwen Undómiel would synergize well with the extra card draw from Damrod's ability. All I needed was a Noldor from the Lore sphere to receive Arwen's largesse, and that's where Elrond comes in.

You'll be discarding cards to activate Arwen's ability. Send the resources to Elrond so he can pay for Lore or Spirit allies. Attach traps, draw cards, discard cards, gain more resources. Use Daeron's Runes to draw extra cards and discard Elven-light so you can draw more cards. Anborn and Erebor Hammersmith return traps from your discard so you can draw more cards and discard more cards. I think you get my point.

The allies in this deck should provide good questing and location control. Rhovanion Outrider places progress. Ghân-buri-Ghân avoids travel effects. Thrór's Key blanks out locations. The Evening Star is good discard fodder, and can save you a lot of trouble with a couple copies in the discard pile.

The traps do their thing to keep the baddies at bay. Elrond with Light of Valinor and A Burning Brand is your best defender until you can drop a Forest Snare. Many of the allies in this deck have some combat power if you're in a pinch.

Thanks to Elrond, Wellinghall Preserver will heal itself for 2 after defending. Warden of Healing and Ioreth work with Elrond to hopefully provide all the additional healing you need.

And if thwarting enemies and locations is not enough, three copies of A Test of Will provides some Treachery control. Elrond's Counsel will manage your threat.

The allies in the sideboard are to replace any unique ally conflicts.


Dec 23, 2016 WingfootRanger 2693

It looks neat, right up my alley. I love questing decks that can also do all sorts of things.

Dec 24, 2016 Pirate Brahm 1062

Thanks! I can say the same about your new scout deck, Ranger. Looks good!

Dec 24, 2016 WingfootRanger 2693

Thanks so much, it was a real riddle in the deck building process. It arose out of the collaborative effort between me and D4rkWolf10, since we both wanted a viable scout deck. I took what we learned from prior builds and built that deck. It's new frontier, and I look forward to how the shell diversifies in the future.