If you ever always wanted to use Hama in a way that was even dumber than cycling Thicket of Spears forever, this is your lucky day!
Basically, the plan is to get some method of defending (either Mablung + Gondorian Shield, or Defender of Rammas + Raiment of War, or even just a copy or two of Feint, Throw down Wait no Longer at the beginning of the quest phase and engage something, then quest with as much or as little as you need. Nothing is going to be revealed from the deck, so pretty much anything you send is going to be enough. Defend the bad guy, murder it, Use Hama to bring Wait no Longer back into your hand preferably using Elven-light, and then repeat until the quest is done.
That's a lot of cards, but as a practical matter, you don't have to do it all at once. Simply having feint in your opening hand means you can handle enemies right from the start with classic Hama-lock strategy. Willpower is fairly light, but it's enough to keep you going until you can start ignoring the deck, at which point, you don't really need much.