Eagles with Boromir

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

warlock000 3408

This deck should be pretty versatile, both for solo and multiplayer games. It has decent willpower for - heavy line-up of allies and it will perform well in battle and siege quests. And it has a very reasonable starting threat for such strong heroes.

And yes, it has 1x Radagast. He is still worth it for his 2 willpower and resource acceleration/eagle healing (I think). If I see him in my opening hand, chances are I will play him on turn one.

Early game you should try to find a way to boost your and improve your defensive options. Steward of Gondor goes on Boromir, the sooner the better.

Of course you'll want to move the majority of resources from Denethor to Boromir.

Mithlond Sea-watcher is here for his 1 and the ability to turn himself into a formidable attacker given that many allies here might leave play and end up on a discard pile. But he's here mainly for multiplayer, Envoy of Pelargir works great as a replacement for solo play.

Sideboard contains some cards that you might want to experiment with. I forgot to put Grappling Hook and Sterner than Steel there, either one could be swapped with Hail of Stones. Grappling Hook can allow for some great questing pushes, especially when combined with Éowyn's ability or Boromir with Support of the Eagles.