The Beauty and the Beast (MD - Beornings Thematic)

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Card draw simulator
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Mormegil 4850

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1-4



This is my thematic Beorings deck. I opted to run both Beorn and Grimbeorn the Old for thematic reasons. That gives you a pretty awesome combat abilities, with questing often being a bit more problematic, especially in solo. This is why a lot of the remaining deckspace went to questing allies and draw.

How To Play

Draw and questing is the big achilles heel of the deck, seeing something like Elven-light or Steward of Orthanc (in solo) early on can do a lot of good for you. I especially also enjoy seeing my questing allies ASAP (most importantly probably Ethir Swordsman. Beorning Skin-changer in combination with Giant Bear is very powerful as well of course, but those cards are more on my radar lategame. Early on, especially in solo, I would usually recommend creating a draw and willpower basis first before anything else.


Unexpected Courage (and with it Erebor Toymaker) are cards I very much enjoy in multiplayer but just do not provide enough value in solo here. Feint and Hasty Stroke are good answers if you are worried about specific enemies/shadow cards while Double Back is just always very useful.
