[EDH Commander] Estel + salvaged provisions

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Emmental 473

Bored from playing everytime the same cards? Get ready for a 100 sized singleton deck, thanks to Beyond the Original Bargain

Fetch Estel with Aragorn, Gather Information with Thurindir and Silver Harp with Elena.

During ressource phase, use A Perilous Voyage to draw another card (your threat is now 33), then activate Keep It Secret until you threat out. Your is now 22, your elimination level is 32 but your can play secrecy cards until 29. And you can still reduce your threat with Council of the Wise.

A Perilous Voyage flips, you play Sword that was Broken on Aragorn (wich should have and icons). Ready to quest with 9 without exhausting anyone ?


Replace Elena with Gilraen (and swap Estel with Elessar). A bit more Dúnedain themed.

Replace Thurindir with Cirdan (and swap Estel with The Renewer). 2 more willpower, secrecy is probably to be forgotten (you start in secrecy, but won't last if the scenario has any form of threat increase), but enables Narya for combo with Aragorn's attachments.

With Gandalf and Glorfindel. Strong line-up (quest for 11, def for 3 and swing back with 6), you don't even need Light of Valinor. No extra daw but Gandalf helps, especially with Elendilmir. And Narya+Elessar makes really good defender (enven Arwen can defend like a monster).


Dec 19, 2024 doomguard 2204

well designed! i do not know if i like it,it is too much Alep for my taste but good deckbuilding.

go around the biggest flaw of A Perilous Voyage (i think it was meant to not allow you to reduce thread at all after after flipping) with another contract seems OP to me, and perhaps overlooked in designprocess of Beyond the Original Bargain

i can imagine this deck with everything allowed, can do any quest except perhaps fortress of nurn.

Dec 19, 2024 Emmental 473

It goes around one of the flaws of Perilous Voyage, but increases the other (deck inconsistency).

Alos the deck is good but not op, you lack a big defender and often needs to chump with your allies.

Dec 19, 2024 doomguard 2204

you can easily make a big defender out of aragorn. take Wooden Lyre instead of Silver Harp and collect a defenseboosting attachment or Arwen Undómiel with Gather Information and you have it. or more efficiency, add The One Ring + Inner Strength + Wooden Lyre

Dec 19, 2024 Ipswatch 633

This is a really cool Beyond the Original Bargain deck. I adore Council of the Wise, and using it to keep your threat in check after flipping perilous voyage is brilliant. Also a cool use of the first player objective added to the game!

Dec 19, 2024 Emmental 473

The One Ring messes with threat elimination level and Keep It Secret shennanigans, also threat increases are meant to be kept as low as possible because reductions are max 1/round. But most importantly i'm trying to limit my use of this (a bit op) card^^

I could see myself adding Wooden lyre in the deck (probably replacing Wealth of Gondor, which is not really usefull outside Elessar starts), but i prefer having Silver Harp in starting hand in order to feed the deck with draw. Council of the Wise needs a lot of it.

Dec 19, 2024 doomguard 2204

do the math buddy ;) (or did i make a mistake?)

The One Ring does reduce your eliminationlv. you allready do that and the contract set to 10 below. it is of no matter if it is 10 below 32 or ten below 27. you have 10 to elimination what you will avoid with the Council of the Wise.

so and take a look from above, yes you did not use The One Ring or a Ancestral Armor for cost of 1 1. round if used with contract, but if that is allowed you CAN and perhaps your version is not op it is easy to make an op-deck with the alowance of combining these 3 Alepcards

and (if u do not see allready) you can choos every quest if u want to have e.g. Sword that was Broken or an Ancestral Armor for 0/1 cost 1. turn, so u can decide every queat if u want to go questheavy or want to have a superior defender. that is to good for my taste. so even without The One Ring you can easily made it op.

Dec 26, 2024 Emmental 473

After exhausting A Perilous Voyage you have 28+4+1 = 33 threat.

If you don't have the One Ring, you can trigger 9 times Keep It Secret, finishing with 22 threat and a secrecy limit of 29

With The One Ring, you can only trigger 6 times Keep it Secret, so you end up with 23 threat and a secrecy limit of 26.

Yes, in either case you you are 10 under your elimination threshold, but in second case you don't have a lot of breath to play secrecy cards.

Dec 26, 2024 doomguard 2204

secrecy is imo more a gimmick and does not do much to the effectiveness. there are only a few secrecycards and none of them is cruicial. and with contract yuo can stay very long in secrecy if u want (but not really necessary imo, you have 1 attachment 2-3 events and pehaps a few not much important allies that needs secrecy, nothing relevant at all....) and as i stated before you did not exploit everything that is possible.