Dwell at Grey Shores Till the Last Ship Sails

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Dwell at Grey Shores Until the Last Ship Sails

"But as for me, my heart is with the Sea, and I will dwell by the grey shores until the last ship sails. I will await you." - Círdan, Tale of Years

Noldor-centric discard deck that tries to strike a balance between questing and combat. Although given our starting heroes you'll definitely find questing a lot easier in the early game.

Opening Hand:

Galdor of the Havens is going to give us a lot of flexibility for our starting hand. You should almost always dump any of our 'echo' events you draw in your starting hand, Elwing's Flight, The Evening Star. Glorfindel and Elven-light are strong contenders to pitch for our Galdor mulligan too. What we're really hoping to see in our opening hand is Silver Harp, which is going to take the sting out of Círdan the Shipwright forced effect.

Worst case scenario even if you don't mulligan into a Silver Harp, a Master of the Forge on turn 1 can help us dig for it, giving Arwen Undómiel resource to Galdor to pay for it, and still having 2 resources to pay for the harp.

At the Table:

We're a questing deck primarily though as our heroes are pretty strong questers we should focus on looking for a combat ally, especially if our allies partner deck doesn't have a sentinel defender. Guardian of Rivendell is a little expensive but is handy for seeding our discard pile with Elwing's Flight or Lords of the Eldar, but should be able to handle the your defensive duties.

Your Elven-light should be fueling your discard effects like Arwen Undómiel, Steed of Imladris or Imladris Caregiver, but don't be afraid to pitch an ally in a pinch as we have Stand and Fight to drag a couple of allies out of the discard pile if needs be. We've got Galdor of the Havens' once per game card draw effect to give us a big chunk of cards if we exhaust our hands to all the discarding.

Our Light of Valinor should be on Círdan the Shipwright so we can make use of Narya to boost our allies in the combat phase. We can also use it to get an extra use out of Master of the Forge or Gildor Inglorion abilities.

We've got a couple of other useful boost cards in the shape of Lords of the Eldar and Inspiring Presence which can really help swing a difficult turn in our favour, and if Círdan the Shipwright has Narya he can pay for the kicker on Inspiring Presence giving the whole table a incredible boost in attack and defence for the turn.


In the rare event of a hero conflict on Galdor of the Havens you could sub him out for Erestor, but I find Erestor's forced card discard at the end of the turn to be a little too severe if you're working on the Noldor discard stuff very heavily. The ally version of Galdor of the Havens would be a great addition to the deck if not for the hero conflict


Jun 08, 2017 The BGamerJoe 4851

I'm going to give this a try. I haven't been satisfied with any of my Noldor home brews yet.