The Last Alliance of Elves, Men and Cave-happy Dwarves

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

rmagruder 7

This deck was built to beat the Caves of Nibin Dum. I wanted to just use The Revised Core set, the Starter Sets and maybe something from Black Riders.

I decided on Elrond because with a Steward of Gondor he gets you all the allies you want of any kind. Add another dwarf hero Nori that lowers threat with every dwarf played and of course Dáin Ironfoot to buff questing and swarming dwarf attacks. (Okay, edit here -- I just realized I can only get ALLIES with Elrond's ability -- so I should probably ditch the Citadel my defense, I never drew the darned card, so I never played it!)

I was definitely starved for card draw most of the game, but I had enough allies out to quest hard and fight hard. A few drops of Gandalf and dropping in Beorn during combat helped, as did dwarves that canceled out threat from underground locations. Faramir represented the race of Men here by adding a turbo charge of Questing power if I didn't like what the encounter deck revealed.

The Erebor Record Keeper allowed me to re-ready my heroes especially if they a nasty condition on them which penalized me for being exhausted, or I needed to be able to counter-attack. Self Preservation was fantastic on Dain as it allowed him to deal with harder hitting enemies, and immediately heal up every turn, which combined with Elrond's Counsel would heal 3 damage in addition to his 3 defense.

Of course I had A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke to cancel out nasty surprises, and a little bit of extra card draw with Valiant Sacrifice

Although the deck can be improved, it made solo'ing this quest very doable, even with just core + starter decks.