harp glorfindel to rage

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

doomguard 2199

this deck benefits from Elena and catching a Silver Harp from the start with discount. that allow you 1 use of (MotK) Glorfindel or Arwen Undómiel for free for each Silver Harp in play.

if big defense is necessary from the start you can catch a Wooden Lyre else allways the Silver Harp even if u have one in startinghand.

with Shining Shield and up to 3 Wooden Lyre Arwen Undómiel can def up to 6 (or boost some minor defenses by e.g. Erebor Guard.

you have some allies that also benefits from card-discard, naming:

with Elven-light you can get cards cheap.

try to get Captain's Wisdom early with [(MotK) Glorfindel] it is 2 res for 1 card

even the Steed of Imladris benefits from discarding, so try to get all your Silver Harp in play.

the Bree-land Protector rounds it up for attack and shadowcancelling, sometimes (MotK) Glorfindel needs to raise to his fightingaspect Glorfindel with Thorongil

if necessary make room for Gandalf + [Sneak Attack]/card/01023) but mostly it might work without.

for real big fighting some Dúnedain Warning and/or Dúnedain Mark might be needed