Lore of the Rings

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

Rajam 124

Lore. The best sphere (this isn't an opinion, it's a fact). What's better than a full Lore deck? Nothing of course.

My favorite combo here is a turn-1 Ioreth + Sword-thain. Then, with 4 Lore heroes, you draw 4 cards with Mithrandir's Advice, and Scroll of Isildur can be played for free. Sum Damrod, Deep Knowledge, Gléowine, Master of the Forge, Daeron's Runes for massive card draw. With the help of Gríma plus Keys of Orthanc (and everything being Lore), you have resources covered as well.

With card draw and resources covered, we add:

  • Firyal to control the encounter deck
  • Lots of traps to control enemies
  • Mirkwood Explorer for locations
  • All-around powerful allies (Ents)

Why is Aragorn in this deck? Mostly, for threat management. Lore doesn't have many tools in that department; luckily though, Loragorn is the best threat-reducer in the game. He also makes a great team with Gríma. Loragorn's Dúnedain trait also allows the presence of Ranger of Cardolan, a great ally with an inbuilt "sneak-attack" ability. If we consider the raw power of this deck to draw cards, the Ranger of Cardolan can be recycled quite efficiently.

Sideboard is for those quests in which you can't bring Aragorn. Lore Glorfindel hero makes a triumphant return! Remove Mirkwood Explorers and Rangers of Cardolan, and add a mix of Ghan-Buri-Ghan, Asfaloth, Either Favor of the Valar and/or Gandalf, and maybe Coney in a Trap. Enjoy!