Shadows of Mirkwood Lore / Leadership

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

neonelephant 1

Of the six decks I played through Shadows of Mirkwood, this (adjusted by card pool) wound up being one of the consistently strong ones, in part because scrying gives lots of control in solo play.

Glóin quests, with Beravor along also sometimes early, and he also gets Celebrían's Stone. Denethor gets Dark Knowledge, and scrys when he has nothing better to do. Ideally Self Preservation or a Daughter of the Nimrodel shows up before too long, enabling Glóin to take undefended attacks for resources.

Meanwhile, Beravor draws cards when she can (if not needed for questing or attack), and Gléowine draws cards almost all the time. Beravor also gets Steward of Gondor when it shows up, and Song of Kings to help pay for stuff in both spheres. Rivendell Minstrel is used to fetch Songs, but also just for willpower.

Protector of Lórien gets used on Glóin (if needed for willpower) or Denethor (if needed for defense) ... or Beravor, if needed for flexibility.

Gandalf, Gléowine (and to a lesser extent Henamarth Riversong and Rivendell Minstrel) are the core allies; most everything else is to taste.

Lore of Imladris and Shadow of the Past are in the sideboard mostly because of specific Shadows-cycle quests.

It's probably always going to be too slow for Return to Mirkwood, barring a very lucky encounter deck draw.