Folco Meets the Ents

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Secret Ents 18 11 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

McDog3 467

This is a slight variation on Seastan's The Secret Ents deck (

Between Folco Boffin and Éowyn, you begin the game with merely 17 threat. You should have several rounds in secrecy to begin the game and later on, when Folco leaves looking for a Good Meal, you can pop back into secrecy to actually play those pesky secrecy cards that never showed up in the beginning!

With 8 , you can make a pretty effective start, however you are looking for some secrecy moves such as Resourceful or Out of the Wild for the opening hand. Treebeard and any of the Ents will be what you want to get out next to increase that . The first Resourceful will go on Éowyn, the others on Pippin. Since most of the cards are Ents, Treebeard can help smooth resources needed to play the allies.

Folco will, generally, stick around for 2/3 of the game and will leave due to 1) we have a few other secrecy cards in hand that will offset the loss of a hero or 2) there are enemies in the staging area we don't want to face off with for some reason. On that note, Keen as Lances is another way to drop threat if needed, but I have generally used after 1-2 Out of the Wild's for card draw. (Remember, Out of the Wild adds itself to the Victory Display now, which is great news for KaL).

Since this deck can handle questing so easily and maintains such a low threat, it often has enough time to complete The Storm Comes, which really helps smooth out those resources between Eowyn and Pippin. Complete that sidequest as early as possible to give yourself an even easier time getting out those 3-cost Ents!


Dec 17, 2017 Seastan 42319

Awesome! I like the inclusion of A Storm Comes.