Father’s Favor, Praise of Men

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Devaresh 2096

“When Denethor became Steward (2984) he proved a masterful lord, holding the rule of all things in his own hand. He said little. He listened to counsel, and then followed his own mind.”

Appendix A, The Stewards

This is a Denethor deck. Hirgon is just the 4th Errand-rider. Prince Imrahil is only a here out of in-law obligation.

Only joking of course, but this deck is built to thematically represent Denethor’s rule as steward of Gondor. Building an army and increasing trade, carefully investing resources where they are most needed. Only Gondor allies are included, and Gandalf is not invited! I designed it to support my trap deck (http://www.ringsdb.com/decklist/view/8415/no-jealousy-or-rivalry-1.0) but it plays well in other multiplayer scenarios and can even handle itself solo given the right quests!

How does it play?

It is primarily a Gondor swarm deck with the newer wrinkles of Prince Imrahil and Hirgon added in.

Your best opening hand is one with Visionary Leadership, and a tactics ally. With the boost both Hirgon and Prince Imrahil are questing for 6 total, and boosted allies will drive the number higher still. Both Visionary Leadership and Steward of Gondor go on Denethor.

Several of the deck’s allies actually benefit from being in valour range so the main threat management is Favor of the Valar in order to hold steady. With 28 starting threat I haven’t noticed any difficulties, but Secret Vigil could be included from the sideboard if it continues to be a problem.

The deck has no cancellation for shadows or treacheries, but can manage and respond to most consequences as needed. This deck also has little to now card draw, but if you can snag an early copy of Visionary Leadership, then the card draw is really not a big deal.

There are 30 allies in this deck which means your are not only unlikely to miss with Prince Imrahil or A Very Good Tale, but you will also have options.


This is designed for multiplayer. There are no unique allies, and the attachments with the exception of Steward of Gondor are not very common to see. As you are building your army you also should be building ways to funnel resources to other players! Errand-rider, and Denethor’s ability are the most obvious, but you also have Pelargir Ship Captain and The White Council in addition. Once set up you can actually singlehandedly transform the board state by giving your fellow players that key resource for the swing play.

I mentioned this deck was built specifically alongside this one. Visionary Leadership gives a global boost, and each of the heroes are Gondor and therefore potential targets for Denethor. Additionally our rangers can play Heed the Dream to help us pull out Steward of Gondor or Visionary Leadership to get the ball rolling if necessary. With the added support this deck really goes to another level.


This deck is capable of solo play, but is much more fun in multiplayer. Playing a support role with your resources while slowly amassing your own army is both satisfying and will earn you the appreciation of your fellow player.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

And do not forget, “nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with love, valour with Honour, oath-breaking with vengeance.”