Shipwrights of the Long Lake

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Roka 1596

I tried a couple of decks to find a hero line up for a Dale deck that I am happy with and decided to pick Círdan the Shipwright beside the obvoius Bard son of Brand and Brand son of Bain.

Using a hero that can draw card seems a common theme for Dale decks (I saw decks with Beravor, Galadriel or Galdor of the Havens already) and Círdan the Shipwright is no exception. Even without a Silver Harp he can gets out our key cards much faster and allows us to keep the balance between allies and attachments. With the ressource symbol of Narya he also fits well in the Spirit/Leadership deck.

Mulligan for King of Dale or Silver Harp which both go on Bard. Together with Círdan the Shipwright he can quest for seven willpower or you can keep him back if you need an extra defense. An early Elrond's Counsel can bring you under the magic 30 threat for enemie engagement cost if needed.

Then You should try to get some defense help out, for example Hauberk of Mail on Brand or even better a Redwater Sentry with some Armor. Once you you get Light of Valinor/Narya into play these guys can defend twice with an extra point of defense. Questing should be covered by North Realm Lookouts and Celduin Travelers, and Rhovanion Outriders can kill stuff or get rid of locations.

Warrior of Dale and Long Lake Trader did not yet show their value in this deck so i will probably replace them with some none Dale cards like Jubayr or Arwen Undómiel to have more consistently an early defender.