Very Good & Sneaky Tribal Tales

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CDavis7M 158

This is a mono- deck that focuses on Kahliel and Hirluin, his brother from another mother. Bringing on the fun with these two spherical tribes .

Théo is just here to get the party started. I've attempted this deck using just Kahliel and Hirluin but it is rough without an amazing starting hand.

Play Summary: (i) Build up resources on Kahliel; (ii) stall with Outlandians, readying, or Sneak Attack; (iii) play Haradian allies; (iv) swarm with Outlandians.

Draw hand: This deck is looking for Steward of Gondor > A Very Good Tale > Captain's Wisdom. An early Lord of Morthond or Sneak Attack is always appreciated. Steward is not a must have due to Théo.

Early game: In early game solo, this deck struggles in questing, defending, and attacking. Dumping cheap Outlands allies and Sneak Attacking or discarding Haradians can be used to hold down the fort for a bit. Usually extra resources will go to Kahliel, using Théo, Steward, or Captain's Wisdom. Firyal is my favorite Haradian to start with. One of the Haradians and another ally can be exhausted to play A Very Good Tale, bringing in another Haradian, Gandalf, or a swarm of Outlandians if you're lucky. Sneaky Good Tales is a really fun combo. It's also nice to get Lord of Morthond down early for card draw all game.

Mid Game: Kahliel's Headdress and Men of the West can be used to recycle discarded allies, which you'll probably have due to readying Haradians and A Very Good Tale. Strength of Arms is excellent for a big push but can also be used early game to stay afloat. Firyal and Jubayr can keep you out of trouble long enough to swarm Outlandians. If Steward arrives in the mid game, it goes on Hirluin instead since he will need the resources more than Kahliel as the game goes on.

End Game: You'll know when you are here from the pile of allies. It's a good idea to save a Strength of Arms for the final push. Tome of Atanatar is insurance to get you what you need. Don't forget to recycle your Haradian allies with Headdress.

Considered but not included: Sneak Attack is used instead of Reinforcements because it's cheaper. Southron Refugee and Kahliel’s Tribesman would mostly be used for readying so I didn't see a need to include them given that the Headdress can recycle the star Harad allies.

After Thoughts: After playing a few quests both one-handed and two-handed, I can say that Very Good & Sneaky Tribal Tales doesn't work except when it does.