Sons of a B (update)

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Sons of a B 2 1 0 1.0
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Pirate Brahm 1044

This is an (updated for Withered Heath) Dale deck like many of the others, just with Beregond (son of Baranor) for that second Spirit hero. He helps mitigate threat gain and defense while the Dale questing engine spins up.

Unexpected Courage turns out to be a rockstar in this deck, because it pumps up the willpower on your Dale questing heroes and readies them for combat. It also gives another discount point to the King of Dale.

I like to use North Realm Lookout with Spare Hood and Cloak to ready an ally for chump blocking, then scoop up his dropped loot using Bard son of Brand to distribute as inheritance to the next generation of Dale allies. It's like an in-game medley of Tolkien sub-themes; mortality and the power of objects. Deep.

This deck is thematically paired with dwarf mining deck that uses Hero Gandalf, so his ally version has been sent to the sideboard along with the obligatory Sneak Attacks and Steward of Gondors. For a similar reason, I replaced Map of Rhovanion with Thrór's Key. Turns out it was a smart move - there are locations in this cycle that are better off blank!

Also in the sideboard you'll notice another sidequest and a couple Legacy Blades. You might find them fun play around with, especially during that Journey Up the Anduin. Nudge nudge.


Aug 23, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2428

Haha, too many people are sons!