a rohan wedding

doomguard 2221


a lovely wedding with a enemy-crushing party and some presents.

the Lord Strides around early to drive out early enemies. with a rarely gift and his Strength and Courage even bigger ones can be handled from the start. many of her folks step by and disappear from time to time, each of them goes farewell with a blow of the Horn of the Mark that is wield by her from the start o the day.

some very interesting guests like Gandalf and Éomund make shorter visits, but increase the joy of all others. other are very Timely Aid and stay for longer.

at the peak of the celebration,they will donate each other their wedding gifts. hers to him, is the mighty Herugrim, he swore to protect her well and donate double Shining Shield to gain The Favor of the Lady

after the donations are made they will will ride out with Astonishing Speed to reach all goals they hoped to gain.


Sep 26, 2021 doomguard 2221

if you only have 1 set of cards, then replace her Sneak Attack with Wealth of Gondor

Sep 26, 2021 Truck 1479

Oh my gosh this is perfection!!!

Though I do suggest at least 1 copy of Silver Circlet.

Sep 26, 2021 doomguard 2221

thx, very good sugestion, no wedding without shiny diadem ^^

Sep 27, 2021 FranekWojtek 18

I think you should put Spear of the Mark.

Sep 27, 2021 doomguard 2221

the ring is 1 restricted and herugrim the 2. no place for more weapons.

Sep 30, 2021 AndreDuval 9

I missing something: how can you use sneak attack with lothìriel?

Sep 30, 2021 doomguard 2221

contract 1.card each planning phase (its worth only with gandalf). same with Timely Aid

Sep 30, 2021 AndreDuval 9

Yes, obviously. But do you use sneak attack only for gandalf? I think there are other cards that fit better in that case

Sep 30, 2021 doomguard 2221

gandalf is great, 3 cards or reduced thread or 4 dmg for an enemy i take it all day long for 1 res.

tell me how i get 3 cards for 1 res.

Sep 30, 2021 AndreDuval 9

I don't say that Gandalf isn't great, I say you use sneak attack in a suboptimal way: you need 2 cards to get 3, using a resource. Imo, Ancient Mathom should do it better.

Sep 30, 2021 doomguard 2221

1 wrong, it is only 1 card, gandalf get back on hand.

  1. i considered mathom, but because of the readying of the contract, it is not this needed for lothiriel and eomer has strider (and readying from contract)
  2. gandalfs other reactions are also good and you are flexible
  3. if you have the res you can play gandalf normally (and get 2 times his ability what can win you a game)

Jul 17, 2022 caigui 3

Hello.Can you explain the interest of using Thorongil il these decks. There is the power of Lothiriel which triggers the power of Tactics Eomer but it triggers at the end of the quest phase, when the power of Command Eomer is already used.

Jul 18, 2022 doomguard 2221

thorognil gives him tactic what makes it easier to play such cards and the +2 is until the end of the round,so if he attacks normally in the combatphase, he can use it. in harder/longer quests he will not be able to kill all enemys in the staging. and this way,he may attack tough enemy in the staging and same round (ready possible with contract) the same enemy in the combatphase.