which secrecydeck you prefer?
doomguard 2190
i cannot decide which one i prefer, perhaps you can help me. both are secrecy songdecks, with focus on willpowergenerating. i put them together in a fellwoship to relate them better to each other, it is also possible to play them as fellowship, but i asume 1 of them + a fightingdeck is usually better.
open for your opinions
- fastest carddrawhero you can get
- inbuild discard (good for Elven-light
- Hobbit Pipe from the start (more carddraw with Elrond's Counsel
- 2 lore heroes from the start so more Love of Tales early possible
- The One Ring con go to Erestor with Inner Strength he is a good defender
- no need of Light of Valinor
- no effective use of A Test of Will (so not included)
- less mid/endgame willpower relating to the rosie-deck
- Song of Hope only playable after Song of Kings is played
- keep drawn cards
- doublequest possible (MotK) Rosie Cotton with Fast Hitch
- A Test of Will playable
- all 3 spheres from the start makes Rivendell Scout and Song of Hope possible from the start
- less cards than Erestor
- need Light of Valinor
- only 1 target for Love of Tales from the start
- less possible defense with The One Ring at (MotK) Rosie Cotton
playing advice for both:
- mulligan for Love of Tales
- try to play a 2nd Love of Tales (need a Song of Wisdom before in the rosiedeck)
- try to play Fireside Song in the first 2 rounds (on rosie in the beravordeck, on Bilbo Baggins if he had Love of Tales else Folco Boffin
- Drinking Song and Daeron's Runes helps to get 2nd Love of Tales or desired song
- Galadhrim Minstrel get you the missing song (mostly Fireside Song or Song of Wisdom Song of Travel
- play Elrond's Counsel before you use Drinking Song
for the rosiedeck:
- consider add Gandalf's Search + Sneak Attack for more effectiveness