Team Axe CatC 29 threat, cards up to Conflict at the CarrockGlóin's Heavy Hitters CatC 26 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumEleanor Control CatC 25 threat, cards up to Conflict at the Carrock |
Dúnhere and There HfG 26 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumGlorfindel's Hospital HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumQuesting Beast Éowyn HfG 26 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Denethor's Vision HfG 24 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumDúnhere and There HfG 26 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumGlorfindel's Hospital HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Team Aragorn HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumStrings and Blades HfG 28 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Aragorn guides rohan 29 threat, cards up to The Wastes of EriadorLegolas guerrilla 27 threat, cards up to The Wastes of Eriador |
Team Aragorn HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumTeam Axe HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Team Aragorn HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumEleanor Control HfG 24 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Rohan! (For a fellowship with my Dwarven deck) 25 threat, cards up to Core SetDwarven (For a fellowship with my Rohan! deck) 29 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Bilbo's Hospital(ity) HG 30 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumGlóin's Heavy Hitters HfG 26 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Bilbo's Hospital(ity) HG 30 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumDenethor's Vision HfG 24 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Bilbo's Hospital(ity) HG 30 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumTeam Aragorn HfG 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for GollumBeravor Necessities HfG 27 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum |
Riders of Rohan - Starter Deck 27 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnMazzo Dúnedain evento (clone) 30 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmGaladrielxSaruman 28 threat, cards up to The City of Ulfast |
Cavaleiros de Rohan 27 threat, cards up to Riders of RohanDefensores de Gondor 32 threat, cards up to Defenders of GondorAnãos de Dúrin 26 threat, cards up to Dwarves of DurinElfos de Lórien 34 threat, cards up to Elves of Lórien |
Intruders in Chetwood Tactics + Lore 32 threat, cards up to The Lost RealmIntruders in Chetwood Spirit + Leadership 29 threat, cards up to Celebrimbor's Secret |
[MatPP] Strider Holmes, Consulting Detective 12 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn[MatPP] The Hobbiton Irregulars 27 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurn |
Revised Core - Leadership & Spirit Deck (with sideboard) 29 threat, cards up to Core SetRevised Core - Lore & Tactics Deck (with sideboard) 27 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Glóin's Heavy Hitters Core 26 threat, cards up to Core SetStrings and Blades Core 26 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Glóin's Heavy Hitters Core 26 threat, cards up to Core SetTeam Axe Core 28 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Woodman x felloship 26 threat, cards up to The Fortress of Nurnx Erembrulli mazzo Noldor 25 threat, cards up to The Treachery of Rhudaurx erembrulli mazzo Beregond 28 threat, cards up to Beneath the Sands |
Eleanor Control Core 24 threat, cards up to Core SetGlóin's Heavy Hitters Core 26 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Dunhere and There Core 26 threat, cards up to Core SetDenethor's Vision Core 24 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Leadership Tactics Dwarves 32 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnLore Spirit Dwarves 25 threat, cards up to The Land of Sorrow |
Woodman x felloship 26 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnRiders of Rohan - Starter Deck 27 threat, cards up to The Fortress of NurnA Solid Company - Quest 25 threat, cards up to The Treachery of RhudaurDefenders of Gondor - Starter Deck 32 threat, cards up to Under the Ash Mountains |
Team Aragorn Core 29 threat, cards up to Core SetBeravor Necessities Core 27 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Brothers in Arms Inspired - Elrohir IRL (4P) No Gandalf 28 threat, cards up to Celebrimbor's SecretDwarves IRL 27 threat, cards up to Temple of the DeceivedIrl Gandalf Outlands Test 27 threat, cards up to The Treason of SarumanBrothers in Arms Inspired - Elladan IRL (4P) 28 threat, cards up to The Treason of Saruman |
Dunhere and There Core 26 threat, cards up to Core SetQuesting Beast Éowyn Core 26 threat, cards up to Core SetGlorfindel's Hospital Core 28 threat, cards up to Core Set |
Gondor Against the Shadow (1/2) 27 threat, cards up to Under the Ash MountainsGondor Against the Shadow (2/2) 27 threat, cards up to Messenger of the King Allies |
A Solid Company - Quest #RCO 25 threat, cards up to The Treachery of RhudaurA Solid Company - Combat #RCO 28 threat, cards up to Beneath the Sands |
The Antlered Crown Support 26 threat, cards up to The Antlered CrownThe Antlered Crown Tactics 28 threat, cards up to The Antlered Crown |
Angmar Awakened (I) - Combat Deck 32 threat, cards up to The Dread RealmAngmar Awakened (I) - Quest deck 22 threat, cards up to The Dread Realm |