Rosie Jank

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Fantasty 2258


A Hobbit Song deck that aims to abuse Rosie Cotton's effect as much as possible. By making Rosie Cotton a hero we can play Fireside Song on her and boost her to unholy levels (max. 17 total), which she can then use to boost either the , or of Bilbo Baggins or Frodo Baggins.

The first Fast Hitch or Unexpected Courage goes on Rosie Cotton so you can quest with her and then either (1) ready her again in the quest phase to use her effect so she effectively quests twice, or (2) have her ready during the combat phase to boost either the or of one of your other heroes.

If desired, the second readying card can go on Rosie Cotton as well so she can do both, but after that you should preferably put all readying attachments on Bilbo Baggins so he can make use of Rosie Cotton's combat boosts multiple times in the same turn (no restriction of only readying once per phase applies to him). The reason you want to use Rosie Cotton to buff Bilbo Baggins is because Bilbo Baggins can have A Burning Brand. Frodo Baggins could too after a Song of Wisdom but that requires more setup, and you probably want to play that on Rosie Cotton first.

Early game

Mulligan for Love of Tales to get set up initially. Your first Love of Tales can go on Bilbo Baggins so you can more easily pay for your cards (which are most expensive, especially the allies). Once Song of Wisdom is in play on one of your other heroes they can get the other copies of Love of Tales.

In the early game Frodo Baggins can "defend" any unexpected attacks you weren't quite ready for. As soon as you're set up, Bilbo Baggins should be your main defender for reasons explained above.


As for the allies, Master of the Forge and Galadhrim Minstrel both help to get out your songs faster. Bill the Pony and Sam Gamgee are minor thematic touches but also actually work nicely in the deck. Warden of Healing is necessary since all Hobbits have very low HP and while you should be able to buff their with Rosie Cotton, direct damage is a thing.


The events are all staples in a Hobbit deck. Drinking Song is also a Song and synergizes with Love of Tales and Rivendell Minstrel. The Shirefolk might seem redundant with a starting threat of 20, but it allows Frodo Baggins to tank more hits in the early game.


May 09, 2020 Alonewolf87 2349

If you really want you could add The One Ring and Power of Command to raise her Willpower even further.