Ladies Chucking Everything Away

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Qwaz 410

The deck can quest, cancel and reduce threat fine but has little to no or so for most quests this is multiplayer only.

Between Galadriel, her mirror and your regular draw you can end up with a repeatable draw of three cards a round before events. Between Arwen and a Sword-thained ally you can get 5 resources a round to play them with. Silver Harp just meshes it all together and stops you killing your hand to power these effects

Mulligan for Silver Harp or Mirror of Galadriel. They make a nice combo but either side on it's own works well. Since Arwen Undómiel , Éowyn, Mirror of Galadriel, Daeron's Runes & Elven Jeweler all chuck cards from your hand, all copies of the Silver Harp are useful too.


Bofur, Emery (beware your Daeron's Runes if using her ability) and Lindir are all basically there as inoffensive targets for Sword-thain. Northern Tracker & West Road Traveller are for a little location control. Everyone else is there to provide


Everyone gets a Harp, Galadriel get's her toys & an Unexpected Courage. The other courages are for your partner deck(s) unless the quest requires escape tests or something similar.


Threat Control, cancelation, more cancellation or threat control and card draw to supplement Galadriel and her mirror.


If the reliance on Nenya to enable Daeron's Runes isn't your cup of tea there is more than enough card draw in the deck that you can remove them for anything in the sideboard. If you're fine with it then swap out whatever makes most sense for the quest you're playing.

Shadow Heavy? - Hasty Stroke

Condition Heavy? - Power of Orthanc

Sidequest Friendly? - The sidequests

Threat Ramping/ Doomed or Valour Partner? - Map of Earnil

Will of the West is probably overkill unless the quest is also burning your deck.

I found Steed of Imladris was wonderful for the rough start of Carn Dum. Letting you chuck cards to get back to questing asap!