Game Night Gondor

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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Jurd269 26


Game Night Gondor is a swarm deck that succeeds by filling the board with affordable, efficient allies. It makes use of the Valour mechanic, providing additional value for your allies and events when your threat is 40 or above.


The role of the Game Night Gondor deck is to build a massive board state full of allies that may be used to defend yourself and other players from enemy attacks. This is accomplished through resource efficiency and resource advantage from Steward of Gondor, Envoy of Pelargir, and Squire of the Citadel. Defense is accomplished with hero Beregond, key allies like Defender of Rammas, and key attachments like Gondorian Shield.

Though this deck needn't resort to "chump" blocking often, it does have some good targets for chumping if necessary in a multiplayer game: Squire of the Citadel, Gondorian Spearman, Errand-rider.

Key Cards and Combos:

Your swarm engine is fueled by A Very Good Tale. Ideally you would exhaust at least one Citadel Custodian, which would allow you to grab 5 or more resources worth of free allies.

Use Pillars of the Kings to meet your 40 threat requirement, and then play your valour-advantaged allies like Veteran of Osgiliath, Soldier of Gondor, and Angbor the Fearless. Don't forget that Pillars can also set your threat back to 40 if you risk losing due to threat. Other threat reduction can come from Gandalf.

This deck will struggle with questing initially, so prioritize getting Visionary Leadership on the table. Faramir can also turn your questing game around in a single activation, especially after your board is filled with allies.

Your attack is constantly bolstered by keeping a resource on Boromir, but don't be afraid to spend his resources, as he can easily be reloaded with Steward of Gondor, Errand-rider, Pelargir Ship Captain, and others.

Since this deck will be played alongside Rohan and Silvan Elves, characters entering and leaving play will be fairly constant, so you needn't take extra care to activate Prince Imrahil's ability.

Now, to business! For Gondoooooooor!


Oct 24, 2022 NERD 808

Legacy of NĂºmenor or Horns! Horns! Horns! would be better at raising your threat. Another option would be to use (MotK) Angbor the Fearless so your Pillars of the Kings will draw you four cards. Also, Prince Imrahil is useless in a deck without intentional discarding or chumping.

Oct 24, 2022 Jurd269 26

`@NERD thanks for looking! I have a fairly limited card pool as I joined the game a little too late. This deck is based around the Gondor starter deck plus anything I had in my collection already. Playing it with friends who are running Rohan and Silvan Elves, so hopefully that will aid Prince Imrahil in triggering his ability.

Oct 24, 2022 NERD 808

That all makes sense, depending on your rules, I would consider making proxies. You could play with Common Cause and know that it represents Legacy of NĂºmenor. Messenger of the King is even easier. Even though I have access to that contract, I rarely use it.