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ajax013 2

The deck for when you've just had enough. Pour out a drink and head on out to see the world for yourself.


Nov 07, 2022 NERD 808

Nice description and idea! I would cut Treebeard for more of the breed allies and cut Necklace of Girion. Both of those are relatively unthematic. While Ent Draught is good, it is not needed. Plus, Guarded cards are not that good. I would also add Robin Smallburrow and Drinking Song. I don't think Elf-friend or The Favor of the Lady is worth it. A Lesson in Caution would be good. Consider cutting Song of Travel and many of the spirit cards for Gandalf's Staff and Narya.

Nov 08, 2022 doomguard 2006

Elf-friend is needed for 3 cards:

so, not using it leaes 8 cards to replace. doable perhaps preferable, but changes the deck heavyly.

this seems a very thematic deck to me, so effectivness is secondary, right? i can understand, that a innkeeper is friend with elves, and therefore get some council of one of his neighbors, but that the fairest horse of the noldor stay alone in his place? i doubt,

so Asfaloth and Treebeard seems unthematic for me in an else very thematic deck

so, my advice to make it theme-consistnd AND better ;) keep that fellow elf-friendly and add Rivendell Minstrel that improves his inn. with that he can easily get the right song (Song of Travel) that the owner of his horse himself appear Glorfindel and leave it in the stable.

round the whole thing up with Love of Tales and Drinking Song and leave the guarded artifacts where they be.

Protector of Lórien seems very unthematic for me. lorien will not be defended in bree (and, your carddraw is not as good that you have good use of it....)

i you think the times become darker, add some Timely Aid that helps you specially for the real heroic characters (Gandalf and Glorfindel to come. if the mightiest elf appear, do not forget, he comes mostly with Elven-light

Nov 08, 2022 doomguard 2006

and do not forget to give him a Spare Pipe together with his Bree Pony he can even survive angry trollbrawler. (7 hp + 1 avoided let him survive a str 7 attack no need or Ent Draught that will not appear in bree)

Nov 08, 2022 NERD 808

Ok, if you want to lean into the whole elf idea rather than making the deck a playable Bree deck, consider adding some Silvan Refugees who Barliman Butterbur has given a place to stay. Also, if you like guarded cards, The King's Return is a great way to find them, while triggering Love of Tales.

Nov 08, 2022 ajax013 2

Holy cow! These are great suggestions! I need to play around with the proposed changes a bit and find out how they feel. With this deck, I wanted to use Grey Wanderer with a hero that it hadn't been paired with yet that still functioned well... so I'm into theme but know that I might have to make some concessions to make the deck work.

I play a lot of solo but my kids (9yr, 7yr) have just gotten into it as well so now I can consider non-solo ideas (but I primarily build from a solo viewpoint). As this is the first deck that I've published on here, I'm not sure how to adjust the deck (or even if that's possible), but I suppose I'll look into it.