2023 Thematic Saga: The Ring goes South

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TheChad 12839

The Thematic Saga continues with The Ring goes South.

The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/xNTWkz0-Tns

In this series I am trying to use as many thematic cards as possible as I play the Lord of the Rings Saga quests in order, in a modified campaign mode. The modification is that I will not be raising my threat if I swap heroes in-between quests.

The Fellowship of the Ring has been formed in Rivendell. Nine walkers (plus good ol' Bill the Pony) to go up against the Nine Riders. Frodo Baggins has been entrusted with the task of Ring-bearer and his faithful companions will accompany him, representing The Free Peoples of Middle Earth. Thanks to Bilbo he also has Sting and a Mithril Shirt for protection.

From the Shire, Merry, Pippin, and Sam Gamgee armed with Dagger of Westernesse. From Mirkwood, Legolas armed with his Bow. Representing the dwarves, Gimli wielding his Dwarrowdelf Axe. From the race of men, Aragorn with his reforged sword; Andúril. From Gondor, Boromir with his mighty Horn of Gondor. And their guide, Gandalf armed with Glamdring, his Staff, and wearing Narya.

While in Rivendell many Very Good Tales where told and the Fellowship learned much from the Council of Elrond. Now they set out on the long journey to Mordor. Wolves, crows, and something lurking in the water all attempt to stop them as they struggle along this perilous journey.


Feb 07, 2023 Turgon 557

Nice deck!! I love your thematic series. Some questions: mechanically, can you keep Gandalf in play long enough for it to be worth buying all his toys? Also, I don't think Boromir can legally hold Horn of Gondor...

Feb 07, 2023 TheChad 12839

@Turgon thanks! Yes, OHUH Gandalf can definitely be in play long enough. With a starting threat of only 26, and most LOTR LCG games lasting around 7-9 rounds total, you will be able to keep him in. If Aragorn can drop your threat back down with Thorongil, it really is no issue at all. And, yes, Boromir cannot hold the horn. That was there for thematic purposes, and somebody else would need to hold it. And honestly, it is not a good card at all for this build, it was just his iconic 'personal item'.

Feb 07, 2023 Turgon 557

Ah, yes, makes sense; I didn't notice Thorongil.