Gildor's Wandering Resistance

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Slater44 11

This is a bit of a thematic deck I'll play mostly solo.

Gildor's setup will include The Grey Wanderer contract with the opening card Strider.

Good opening hand cards to see would be Ancestral Armor, either Dúnedain Mark or Dúnedain Warning, Resourceful, Gandalf and Gandalf's Staff.

Between Ancestral Armor and Dúnedain Warning I hope to set up Gildor as a bit of a just in case defender until I get some better allies into play.

Between Gildor, Erestor and Daeron's Runes I hope the card draw will be enough. The other Gandalf can help if needed.

Lembas isnt a bad healing card and mostly a thematic add on. I've always wanted to try out Path of Need so added that.

Timely Aid will hopefully help get Guardian of Rivendell (without discarding cards), Erestor or Gandalf into play.

Wild Stallion can be added to Gandalf, Guardian of Rivendell, Dúnedain Wanderer or Rivendell Scout to help with stats.

Miner of the Iron Hills is in case an unwanted condition attachment comes into play.

The Galadhrim's Greeting, Elrond's Counsel or Gandalf can help with threat reduction.

All comments welcome! Cheers!