Reduce, Recycle, Rohan

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Schwa 1

Designed to run in a 2 person Multiplayer against the Massing At Osgiliath event deck with a deck running Horn of Gondor and Raven-winged Helm at least.

Core mechanic involves getting Éomund out and fatally defending after Nor am I a Stranger is on Aragorn and any key heroes in the other deck. Theoden swings with Gúthwinë to kill things (aided by ranged from the other deck if necessary) to bring Éomund back for 2 each turn.

Other allies support questing and action economy. Once Aragorn has Dúnedain Mark, Heir of Mardil, Raven-winged Helm, and The Day's Rising, he'll have extra action economy after defending as well as spare resources. He will need an early game Horn of Gondor to really function well or resources start to trickle if he is readying after questing.

The deck tries to balance between decent early & midgame questing (8 to 14 among heroes alone, depending on attachments) and flexible defense with hard hitting attacks once attachments are in play. The deck is bulky and needs card draw to function well. Suggestions are welcome.

Restricted Attachment Ownership:

Quest with Aragorn and Éowyn each turn. Quest with Théoden each turn once Snowmane is in play. Aragorn needs Horn of Gondor as soon as possible to quest and ready. Raven-winged Helm for Aragorn and Théoden. Spare A Burning Brand can be played on Aragorn once he has Ring of Barahir. Deck needs some card draw to accelerate but can spare Steward of Gondor for the other deck's resource generation.