Rohan had come at last. (Multiplayer)

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dbldbl 45

"And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North wildly bellowing. Rohan had come at last"

The Gameplan

This deck is meant to be paired with another deck - preferably one that can defend early. The deck it often is paired with is my buddy's Gondor deck which is built around engaging enemies and effects from having allies leave play. His deck runs Steward of Gondor so it's not an option here (would a man of Rohan ever want for this title, anyway?).

Horn of Gondor can give a boost in resources, but mainly we are looking to play cheap allies that we expect to leave play.

The plan is to support the team with cards like A Test of Will, Campfire Tales and Ancient Mathom. Meanwhile, we should be providing chump-blockers and throwing Éomer at enemies to help clean the board.

We run 8 mounts for Elfhelm's boost (and because...c'mon, we're the Lords of the Mark!). I've never missed with Westfold Horse-breeder, so I think it's just enough for the deck.

Guthlaf is extra strong as he will only cost 1 resource due to Théoden, and because my partners usually play Gondorians.

Warden of Helm's Deep is a card that really helps you stabilize, and can be a champ in multiplayer with his Sentinel keyword.


There are no shortages when it comes to weaknesses in this deck, so hopefully you are playing it with another deck to maximize it's support theme. Card draw is usually a problem when playing a ton of cheap allies, and the reliance on unique attachments can sometimes make your draws duds. However, the deck can defend, attack and quest well as early as turn 2, and shouldn't drag the team down.


This deck has some nice answers for locations in Westfold Horse-Breaker, The Riddermark's Finest and Ancient Mathom. You will want to travel often. Additionally, the deck has an engine built in with the mounts and Elfhelm, so if you can get a couple out, the bonuses are heavy. Don't be afraid to discard allies, and make sure to make use of Éomer's awesome bonus (add Gúthwinë and the damage will tickle any enemy). This deck has some big swings and a built in buff engine to make you giddy come midgame.

Who should I play this deck with?

  • Decks that can defend early.
  • Decks that need help questing, especially in location heavy scenarios
  • Ideally, your partners will have some group drawn mechanics to help you feed Theoden's appetite for cheap allies.
  • Any deck which has triggers for characters leaving play will love you!

Mar 06, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2415

Never missing with the Horse-Whifferer is impressive!

Mar 08, 2019 Goggen 113

You say 8 mounts, but I'm only able to count to 7...

Even if you've never whiffed on the horsebreeder, I'm surprise you don't include more mounts (like Steed of the Mark, Rohan Warhorse or a third copy of the Armored Destrier). Given that it's a multiplayer deck where your partner runs Gondor it looks like you could get more out of Elfhelm by aiming more to boost your partner.

I'd also consider moving Herugrim from the sideboard to the main-deck and include Foe-hammer (possibly removing Valiant Sacrifice, or something else). It can help with the lacking card-draw you mention.

Mar 10, 2019 dbldbl 45

@GoggenYou were right, I've decided to actually remove the mount theme and Elfhelm. I think I am going to remove leadership. Just looking at different options now for reshaping the deck. The Gondor deck I play with has Boromir and Hero Prince so going to try to go for a more allies-leaving-play strategy. I'd love to play Lore, so [Gríma(/card/07002) might be the play. Or I could fix my mana issues by just running with Éowyn.

Thanks for the input!