Power of Gondor

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Tiberius 15

I have been trying for a very long time for a great Gondor deck. I think I have finally found one that is truly Gondorian and can truly perform well. And all of my characters are Gondorian (with the exception of Beravor. When this thing gets powered up, it can quest for absurd amounts of will power very quickly. Suddenly cards with 0 questing are questing for 2 with Visionary Leadership and Faramir. And it is easy to get many of those allies out. Even free Ioreth can be questing for 2! And when everything is powered up Lothiriel and Ingold each quest for 5.

This deck really is tripping over itself to get out as many allies as possible. And those allies can start coming very quickly. Beravor helps with Card draw, along with DĂșnedain Pipe, and LothĂ­riel with cards like Knight of Belfalas and Soldier of Gondor. It's fun to use Envoy of Pelargir and Squire of the Citadel with her for a free resource as well. It also feels nice using a squire for something other can chump blocking. His hopeful face makes you feel so guilty.

Attacking can be a little rough for this deck, but defending is fine. Denethor can handle small baddies and there is always plenty to chump block with. I throw in Bulwark of the West just because the people I play with usually appreciate some peace of mind in that area.

Test of Will handles what it can of the decks biggest weakness, bad treacheries. Thankfully Lothiriel can almost always have a resource for it since Denethor can be passing them off.

Very fun glad, and glad Gondor can (almost) stand totally on it's own.

(Also, I forgot to replace my place holder, Guard of the Citadel with Angbor the Fearless)