Victory Display: Pure Series #2

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Encounter Deck Manipulation: Pure Series Deck #9 2 2 0 1.0
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Mustardman 557

Pure Series:

I realized that my original Pure Series has become out of date, so I've remade many (if not all) of my decks.

This is a series of about 10 decks that I made that don’t share any cards with each other. Meaning I can only use Steward of Gondor in one of my 10 decks. This forces me to use different methods of card draw and resource generation.

I only use heroes that fit the theme or archetype of the deck.

I do include different cards of the same unique character in different decks. (Ex. Haldir of Lórien hero in my Scout deck and Haldir of Lórien ally in my Silvan deck.)

Victory Display Deck:

This deck focuses on taking the hardest cards any encounter deck throws at you, and negating them.

Opening Hand:

In your opening hand, you are looking for None Return and Leave No Trace. Both are cheap ways to get cards into the victory display fast.


Treebeard the ally would be really nice in this deck to help pay for all your ents. We do have Keen as Lances for resources and with mono-lore, resource smoothing is easy.

Card Draw:

Keen as Lances can again do card draw, but Mithrandir's Advice is the better option and can be replayed with Scroll of Isildur. Entmoot also helps get your ent allies into your hand and can be chained together.


The ents give you the ability of a victory display deck to take care of enemies. Wellinghall Preserver and Lembas help heal Treebeard - with Lembas giving a readying effect too! With the other allies aiding in your victory display shenanigans.


The Great Hunt is a really nice combo with None Return to put those harsh enemies in the victory display without ever even having to engage them! Out of the Wild and Scout Ahead lets you get the treacheries in the victory display with The Door is Closed! preventing any duplicate copies from coming out.

If you have any suggestions or questions comment below



Apr 10, 2020 Alonewolf87 2212

I don't think The Great Hunt comboes with None Return since one discard an enemy and the other requires for it to be destroyed (that is having more damage tokens that hit points).

You could perhaps switch Treebeard with Sméagol and try to get a copy of Stinker in the victory display with Out of the Wild. This would let you use Treebeard

Apr 12, 2020 Mustardman 557

Ahhh, you're right, I didn't see that.

Yes! That would definitely be a very cool concept to try out.

Apr 13, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

GUYS, I JUST TRIED KETCHUP AND MUSTARD ON A HOTDOG TOGETHER! WOW, what a power combo! Have you ever tried mustard on a hotdog, Mustardman? What a life changing experience! Next, I will lick mustard off my LOTR cards to enhance game play experience. Let's hope this 0 calorie condiment can add to this card game.

Apr 13, 2020 Alonewolf87 2212

You are so funny @LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle, like a bag of nails in your underwear

Apr 14, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

@Alonewolf87Thank you. No one has ever said anything so kind to me before. I truly do appreciate the fact you find me funny, but I was not even trying to be funny but was just very excited about my new discovery of mustard!!