On the Edge of the abyss

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Alibi 197

We are truth-speakers, we men of Gondor. We boast seldom, and then perform, or die in the attempt. "Not if I found it on the highway would I take it," I said. Even if I were such a man as to desire this thing, and even though I knew not clearly what this thing was when I spoke, still I should take those words as a vow, and be held by them.

fortress of Nûn isn't here still, so some adjustent are Need: play with Damrod as fourfth Hero and the contract Bound of friendship. Due to the nasty limitation of this Amazing contract some wonderful card are in the sideboard :(

while bond of friendship seems perfect for a four sphere Hobbit Hero some tasty alternatives are still possible, like fourth dwarf and some deck with Glorfindel or Sméagol as extra Hero. Then i realize that, with careful reduction metodics a four Heroes valour gondor deck Is possible, since Gondor offer nice card in all the spheres!

here basically the Way ti play - a starting hand without Visionary Leadership Is an automulligan. is quite a blind spot, so boost It with Faramir and the right allies. Ingold can have 4 Will here, nice

- not really a problem. Boromir Is your main here but Need some ally to take down enemies. Trap like Entangling Nets can help a lot debuffing enemies. Nice Forest Snare and Followed combo

- you are stunning hard, like the Wall of Minas tirith. don't worry about that. If some enemies can pass Beregond or Denethor you can Simply cancel damage dealt or heal 'hem.

Drawing: thanks Damrod. also Gandalf, of you don't Need già heavy treath reduction at the Moment

resources ax and management: your really poor for a Gondor deck user. Still there are a lot of card for resources management and most of the card are low priced, the High priced are quite all neutral.

reduction : well, you've ready the name of the deck? exactly. But there are Gandalf,Favor of the Valar,Pillars of the Kings,Derufin here and on top of that, your best feature, thanks to Beregond help you keeping your threath around the early 40's. Isn't that great?

surely not a OP deck, but truly a fun-to-play one and really thematics.

Enjoy ;)

p.s. Sorry for the shitty english, as usual...


Jun 13, 2020 Flrbb 170

Favor of the Valar: Limit once per deck

Jun 13, 2020 Flrbb 170

... oh, no. I was wrong. I guess "Limit one per player" just means you cannot play both of them at the same time?!

Jun 18, 2020 Flrbb 170

I am curious how well this deck plays. Did you do theo-crafting or also some game testing?

Jun 18, 2020 doomguard 2121

startingthread 38 is no small burden. not enough threadreduction i think this deck will barely survive much szenarios.