Team Aragorn - Tri-sphere

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

Carder89 104

An Aragorn with toys deck, built with cards up to Stewards Fear. It is meant to be a solo deck.

The goal of the deck is to suit up Aragorn and make him do most of the work. Bifur and Glorfindel provide support with questing, attacking and resource management. They both also keep your starting threat low.

After Aragorn takes Celebrían's Stone he becomes much better at questing and can help pay for some cards. The Ring of Barahir allows him to get A Burning Brand and help pay for some lore cards, though those are mostly cheap anyways so Bifur can usually pay them by himself.

Glorfindel also has access to Light of Valinor and Asfaloth to help Aragorn with questing and location management.

The deck has some great supporting allies, Henamarth Riversong to see what is coming, Master of the Forge to get your attachments, Northern Tracker as a decent attacker/defender but mostly to deal with locations, Warden of Healing for the nessecary healing. Envoy of Pelargir and Errand-rider both help with resource management. Gandalf because of course. Better in this deck than Gandalf, to get into play with Sneak Attack. An Aragorn deck is not complete without Arwen Undómiel, though at this point in the card pool I don't have access to the hero version of course.

Sideboard depending on the quest. I tried using Elrond to help with Shadow and Flame quest, but have not succeeded at this quest with any built of this deck. I have consistently beat all quests before Shadow and Flame, except the nightmare versions of the Journey Down the Anduin and Escape from Dol Guldur.

The deck can be played in multiplayer, but it relies heavily on Steward of Gondor, so it might not mingle well with other decks. The same goes to a lesser extent for the other unique attachments. I plan on doing the Hobbit Saga and Heirs of Numenor Saga with this deck as well, though I doubt it can beat Numenor quests solo.