Dúnhere Keeping a Low Profile

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aboutgeo 17

I always liked the idea of using Dúnhere to wipe enemies from the staging area without having to engage. In practice, I never managed to build a deck that worked well. Here's an attempt that seems to work at least sometimes for me (when luck is on my side...)

The idea: keep threat as low as possible, have a maximum of 5 characters in play. (Defender of Rammas in case you can't avoid engagement, and West Road Traveller for extra 2 ). This way Éowyn can get the bonus 2 from Strider.

Mulligan for Spear of the Mark and/or Light of Valinor. Adding Bow of Yew, Dúnhere attacks into the staging area for a decent 6 . The real goal, of course, is to get Steward of Gondor and Gondorian Fire. With a handful of Cram, he can bascially take out everything in staging in one round.

The downside: there's a lot of moving pieces & many times you won't even make it far enough to build Dúnhere up to that level. But to me, the challenge of whether I can get the engine running is actually the fun part about this deck.


Jan 31, 2021 doomguard 2121

only 6 allies, perhaps its better to make it a 3 hunters deck. then many attachements are cheaper and the contract will do the additional willpower.

Jan 31, 2021 aboutgeo 17

Thanks, good point! I don't own the latest deluxe expansion and haven't played contacts yet. (But at least they are easy to proxy :-)

I must say the thought of going without any allies at all it's kind of scary. (Defender of Rammas had been useful more than once.) But I'll definitely try it out! :-)

Jan 31, 2021 Uruk-guy 541

@aboutgeo banking off @doomguards suggestion you would then be able to remove the Squire's Helm and add Armored Destrier. Perhaps an attachment to boost defense would be good too. That is, if you have access to the card

Feb 02, 2021 aboutgeo 17

Thanks, sounds good. I guess something to boost Dúnhere's defense might be good in addition then? Perhaps Dúnedain Warning instead of Unexpected Courage? (Since readying would be handled by Armored Destrier anyway.)

Feb 02, 2021 aboutgeo 17

Thanks, sounds good. Perhaps Dúnedain Warning instead of Unexpected Courage then? (Since readying would be handled by Armored Destrier anyway.)