For Gondor!! Up to 3rd cycle / Heirs of Numenor Progression

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For Gondor!! Up to 3rd cycle 1 0 0 1.0
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LOIS 197

This is a thematic deck using Gondor charachters and thematic events and attachments. It's build to play the 3rd cicle and only using card up to that cycle (The Morgul Vale).

As we'll have a lot of siege/battle quests it's very important mulligan to Gondorian Shield in those siege quests and get allies like Defender of Rammas, and for battle we'll try to get all the time the +1 from Boromir

Beregond is the key defending all the enemies, even twice using Behind Strong Walls and with Aragorn + the plus +1 to attack from Boromir kill those engaged enemies.

We'll use Gandalf mostly to reduce our threat and using Sneak Attack + Valiant Sacrifice to draw the lack of extra cards this deck has.

We solve the lack of will using Aragorn's buff like Sword that was Broken, and Gondor buffs like Visionary Leadership and of course Faramir

Very fun thematic Gondor deck for this 3rd cicle.

For Gondor!!