Lovers and The Third (Chariot) Wheel

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Card draw simulator
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peacefrog3 10

This solo deck mainly just tries to have fun with getting Aragorn lots of resources and the and sphere icons for him with CelebrĂ­an's Stone and Sword that was Broken.

Erkenbrand gets two Armored Destrier for and the DĂșnedain Warnings for his chariot. Depending on the draws you get he sometimes gets an Unexpected Courage but I usually throw those on Aragorn for questing and attacking.

A Good Harvest helps pay for Sword that was Broken or Steward of Gondor early on.

First deck I've really felt happy enough with to post. Feedback is welcome but my cardpool is scattered after the Voice of Isengard/Ringmaker Cycle.


Jun 16, 2021 AutumnRose 1010

Looks fun! Since you've got Aragorn's threat reset, you could easily throw in some Doomed cards to ramp your deck up quicker. Deep Knowledge and Legacy of Numenor would be particularly good.

Jun 16, 2021 peacefrog3 10

@AutumnRose Thanks for taking a look! That's a really good call, I'm going to give that a shot. Never used Legacy of Numenor before but this seems like the perfect chance to try it.