The Mirror Tells Many Tales

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Seastan 43864

Galadriel has been in Middle-earth a long time, and she has some fascinating stories to tell.

Early Game

Mulligan for Mirror of Galadriel. The back-up plan is to find it quickly with Galadriel's card draw and/or Nenya/A Good Harvest + Master of the Forge.

Also try to get the Harp out early, making it the first thing you search for with Mirror. The best opening hand has both Mirror and Harp, playing both by discarding a card to Arwen.

Mid Game

Try to aim for a minimum of 1 A Very Good Tale every turn. Use the Mirror + Harp to grap a copy of the event or a copy of Tome of Atanatar, which Denethor will happily pay 3 for with the help of his status as Steward of Gondor. Your Master of the Forge should be hard at work thinning out your deck of attachments so that the Tales hit with high consistency.

Late Game

Your army of 4-cost allies should be unstoppable at this point, but in the event that you lose some of them, just recycle your deck with Will of the West and do it all over again.


Jul 25, 2016 Some Sort 3807

Two questions. What do you use to start your Very Good Tale cycles? Do you just save up and pay for two of those four-costers the old fashioned way?

Second, I kind of get that the point is that if almost every ally costs four, exhausting two 4-costers will always get you two hits for AVGT, but is there any other reason you don't use some of the better 5-costers? I think specifically of Core Gandalf, (who can pair with Sneak Attack to help you start a Tale Chain), or Gildor, (who could bury any 4-costers who sneak their way into your hand back into the deck for future Tale-ing).

Jul 25, 2016 Seastan 43864

@Some SortGood questions.

  1. I pay full price for the first two allies. With Arwen, Denethor, and/or Steward it can be done turn 2 pretty consistently.

  2. This comes down to preference - I prefer to risk having a little bit slower start by not having Sneak in the deck, and in return have really consistent Tales. 26 allies is already a bit low, and if you try to squeeze Sneak and Gandalf (or other 5-cost allies) into the deck you will be bound to whiff on getting two new allies out with each Tale, which is particularly hurtful if you have another Tale waiting to go, as this deck often does.

Jul 26, 2016 DukeWellington 189

If you had a Dunedain then Ranger of Cardolan would prime the pump everytime, easy. That card is so good with AVGT. Is it possible to make another versiin of the same combo deck with Mablung instead of Arwen Undómiel just for that ranger to get the ball rolling, or is the color setup too awkward?

Jul 26, 2016 DukeWellington 189

Aarg, I always forget that Mablung is not Dunedain, but Gondor.

Jul 26, 2016 DukeWellington 189


Jul 26, 2016 Seastan 43864

@DukeWellingtonWithout Arwen it takes forever to get Mirror and Harp online. It also makes it much less viable for solo without that early willpower.

But I have used Ranger of Cardolan as you suggest in a different AVGT deck: (Which does happen to use Amathiul).