Ol' Rich Uncle Raddy

Questlogs using this decklist
The Wastes of Eriador - 1 Player - 2021-09-14
The Battle of Carn Dûm - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2021-09-14
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Imrahil13 1289

A first stab at building Eagles post-ALEP which can now exploit great access to Leadership Resources. The main idea behind this deck is to play Gandalf nearly every round (courtesy Sneak Attack, Gwaihir's Debt, and Horns! Horns! Horns!). The put-into-play event cards are also useful for Meneldor and Descendant of Thorondor, should Mithrandir be delayed on wizard's business elsewhere. So many opportunities to Gandalf gives you incredible threat control and card draw options, as well as additional direct damage potential to capitalize on the damage splashed by Descendant of Thorondor and Faunith's ability.

This deck, once rolling, makes an absurd amount of resources. With Steward of Gondor, Radagast's Staff, and Alagos' ability, you're effectively looking at making 8 Resources per round. As an added perk of Steward of Gondor on Radagast, he can take a Gondorian Shield to be a 2 WP Quester and 5 DEF defender, capable of weilding a A Burning Brand. Honour Guards and Eagles of the Misty Mountains, once build, can help pick up additional defensive duties beyond the Winged Guardians.

Card draw comes in the form The Eagles Are Coming!, Gléowine, and Gandalf, while Firyal brings some cancellation protection.

As a proof-of-concept deck it's far from optimized, and there is certainly a lot of room for improving the deck's breadth or flow, such as additional card draw (especially perhaps Wizard Pipe which could also help set-up Gwaihir's Debt, Rod of the Steward which gives Radagast more to do with his resources, or Word of Command, which can really smooth some of the set-up). Protector of Lórien might give the Brown Wizard some better control over Questing totals and emergency defense, while Erestor and Galdor of the Havens allies would bring more questing power and a faster draw engine. With a ramped up draw engine, Nori could seek to empty your deck (in quests where that's not a problem) to keep recursioning a Gandalf every round via Sneak Attack. As something really experimental, Song of Kings and Reinforcements would really allow for some mid-game potency by temp-dropping Descendants, Meneldors, and Gandalfs together.

Nevertheless, in it's current preliminary state, it's managed to put up convincing first-attempt wins against NM Passage Through Mirkwood, NM Journey Along the Anduin, NM Peril in Pelagrir, and went 1-for-2 against NM Into Ithilien, so there is definitely some solid wind beneath this deck's fledgling wings.