Triple Quickbeam

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Seastan 42202

A joke deck that actually works (sometimes). The deck is supposed to feature three identical copies of the misprinted non-unique Quickbeam hero, but due to RingsDB constraints only one is shown here.

(If you want to use this deck in DragnCards, you can spawn additional Quickbeams using Menu->Spawn card, then adjust your threat. You can then do Menu->Download->Export cards if you want a file you can import for next time to skip the spawning process.)

I conceived of this deck when I was planning for Con of the Rings, thinking about how I wanted to be able to drop into any game without having to worry about unique conflicts. Well, this is the ultimate deck for such a purpose. There are no uniques in the deck or in the hero lineup!

Opening strategy

Mulligan hard for Song of Wisdom. The deck depends a lot on healing your Quickbeams in order to keep readying them, and lore access is needed for that.

As a backup, The Storm Comes can help you get out your lore ally healers, as well as a Rivendell Minstrel that can get you a song. As a secondary backup, A Good Harvest can be used to drop down a couple healing cards to buy yourself some time to get the song. A final resort is to swap out a Quickbeam for a lore hero using Helm of Secrecy. Glorfindel would be a good choice if he's not being used, but any lore hero will do.

If you don't manage to get lore access quickly, it's highly likely that you will lose. That's just the gamble you take with Triple Quickbeam. If you don't like this, but still want to play a Triple Quickbeam deck, you can drop the "no-uniques" requirement and run two Tactics Quickbeam heroes and one (MotK) Quickbeam hero. This gets you lore access from turn one, making the deck a little less of a gamble.

Early game strategy

Have your Quickbeams do all the work of questing, attacking, and defending in the early game. If you know you have to take an early attack, then leave a quickbeam ready. With his one defense point he can still take a hit for 5 without dying. Having a partner with a decent defender can help, of course. Luckily, thanks to the massive attack power you start with, you should dispatch that early enemy immediately and not have to take multiple hits.

Mid game strategy

By mid game, you should have some healing out, and a Derndingle Warrior to tank a big attack. You can keep your threat in check with Secret Vigil and Woodmen's Clearing. You can draw tons of cards with Peace, and Thought, then ready and heal your Quickbeams. You should have a Booming Ent out so that you don't need to damage your Quickbeams so much to attack with them.


Overall power level is pretty weak, but it makes up for it in pure silliness. And it can still solo some quests. Have fun!


Oct 08, 2021 cowZarific 59

@Seastan sounds hilarious! Have you beaten any quests with this?

Oct 08, 2021 Seastan 42202

@cowZarific Indeed! It's beaten Escape from Umbar in solo and multiplayer.

Oct 08, 2021 cowZarific 59

@Seastan very nice! Archery got nothin' on Quickbeams.

Oct 08, 2021 BardLee4 382

Chris has abandoned reason for madness ;)

Oct 09, 2021 Uruk-guy 535

@Seastan what if you added (MotK) Quickbeam to gain access to lore immediately and then Thorongil'd him? Even though the ally version is unique you can still pull it off because it's the only unique Quickbeam lol. It could also help replace those Song of Wisdom's.

Oct 09, 2021 Uruk-guy 535

Scratch that - I see you have it added. Forget what I said!