Bilbo and Hirluin(2) Solo Shadow and Flame

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Derived from
Bilbo to Hirluin- '"Build me an army worthy of Bag End" 2 1 4 1.0
Inspiration for
Numenor Catrin 1 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
Discard Pile

Dor-lomin 90

This is a rethink of an older deck based on some feedback from the community and improvements from putting it more to the test (I hope its not annoying that I posted 2 similar decks close together) Its finest moment was beating Shadow and Flame on first attempt:-)


Using Secrecy: Use your time in secrecy to accelerate your board state by improving income (Steward of Gondor Resourceful ) and sneaking high value allies in with Timely Aid (BeornDenethorErestorFaramirAnbornGildor Inglorion)

The Lore events help you assert control over the encounter deck for little to no cost, which can be the difference between success and failure in the early game.

Trap Side Hustle: Anborn and Ithilien Pit are new additions to the deck and turned out to be a missing link. Ithilien Pit is ideal for making the most out of attacking allies early on without engaging enemies and having to deal with attacks. Anborn can provide both the firepower for this and can return a Pit to your hand when he has nothing better to do. Being a Lore ally, he is also a good use of Bilbo's resources that can pile up unspent pretty easy.

Hirluin and Outlands: This takes little explanation. Stack resource generation on Hirluin the Fair. Sword of Morthond suits [Denethor] (/card/06057) beautifully, but can also make Anborn into an even better attacker.

Bilbo: His stats mean very little to be honest. But his extra card draw is the key to this deck working. Song of Kings and Good Meal are in there to make Grim Resolve more affordable at the critical moments in the endgame.