Celebrimbor's Secret: Solo Progression

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Saintshrugs 21

I picked Galadriel for the progression aspect of this so you obviously need to include Nenya and Mirror of Galadriel. I didn't really use mirror that much, but between that and Master of the Forge you can fish for your attachments. I put an Unexpected Courage on her to help control threat that gets hiked up from card effects. Glorfindel is here bc he is just the best solo hero. Asfaloth is very nice for staying on top of locations. My strategy was just to keep threat low so I didn't have to engage and could use Haldir of Lórien to snipe. I put Song of Battle, Rivendell Blade, Bow of the Galadhrim, and Unexpected Courage on him. This lets you stay on top of enemies triggered from Bellach's scour. Also, Gandalf can come in and not exhaust to quest bc of Galadriel then eliminate Bellach in the last stage. Probably could have been build better but I definitely feel that it can beat this quest consistently. Let me know what you think.