The Noldor of Erebor

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Qwaz 410

This deck will discard/draw itself within the time taken to complete most quests.

Since Dain Ironfoot makes dwarves quest and attack so well this deck pairs well with....another dwarf deck or a sentinal defending deck. It works fine solo if you chuck the odd dwarf under the bus or can afford to defend with Dain Ironfoot

Mulligan for Steward of Gondor or King Under the Mountain - They go on Balin (So does Narvi's Belt). This gives you the option of spending it or saving for later with the freedom to use Balin's ability.

Use A Very Good Tale, Well-Equipped and Ered Nimrais Prospector freely and hope to discard your Hidden Caches and your Ered Luin Miners.

Don't worry too much if something hits your discard pile you didn't intend. Between Ered Nimrais Prospector, To me! O my kinsfolk! & Erebor Hammersmith you should be able to get it back and there are multiple copies of the important uniques floating about.

The sideboard has various options for tweaking.

While Steward of Gondor can really help, this deck survives ok without it. You have the Hidden Cache and We Are Not Idle+Lure of Moria combo after all. Consider playing it on your partner or Sideboarding it for other things if someone else is playing leadership and wants it. If you do, consider putting Narvi's Belt on Bifur instead and then the player with Steward of Gondor can still ferry you resources with his ability if required.

Thorin Oakenshield can be used instead of Balin if you want crazy resources but you have plenty already. Balin's shadow canceling ability & 3 threat gap on Thorin Oakenshield makes him the far better choice in my opinion