Vilya for 3/4 Players (MD - Vilya Multiplayer)

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Mormegil 3272

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 3-4, (1-2)



With Multiplayer decks usually requiring a more dedicated focus, I settled on this deck as my preferred Vilya option for 3-/4-player-games. While it has the same hero setup (with Bilbo Baggins as your Messenger of the King), the deck itself looks a little different. I decided to lean heavy into the support aspect with this one, with cards like Warden of Healing, Faramir, Northern Tracker or The Galadhrim's Greeting doing tons of work in higher player counts. Grim Resolve especially is a favorite of mine, allowing for a very relaxed round (and often being playable round 1).

How To Play

Your highest priority is getting Vilya ASAP. I usually mulligan for it. From there on, the deck is pretty simple to play (but not easy to perfectionate) - control Vilya with Wizard Pipe/Imladris Stargazer while assessing what the table needs most and getting that through all your means of draw. If it's questing, go look for Faramir, if it's action advantage, Grim Resolve, if it's threat management, Double Back or Greetings, if it's healing, Wardens, if you are worried about locations, Trackers, if you are worried about treacheries, A Test of Will etc.

The deck being able to be so reactive to what the encounter deck throws at you is one of its biggest strengths, however knowing what to need at which point is quite difficult to master in a 4-player-game and requires a good knowledge of the quest and a good feeling for the current board-balance so expect there to be quite a learning curve with this deck.

Keep in mind that in some cases, you can also go for a different MotK hero. I really like Faramir in quite a few quests that mostly throw high threat enemies/locations against you for example.


Angbor the Fearless, [Shadowfax] and Elrond's Counsel(/card/143014) were very much the cards 51-52 that can be added if uniqueness conflicts occur. Steward of Gondor is of course great but in a 3-/4-player game, the chance of someone else running it is quite high (same with The One Ring, which didn't make the sideboard since it is also likely to be taken somewhere). If that is somehow not the case, include it. Rhovanion Outrider is a nice follow-up option if you are worried about locations and your Trackers are not sufficient.
