Rangers for Hire

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DazeMan 710

This deck is an attempt to have a deck that plays somewhat like a Ranger in a fantasy RPG. There is side questing, cash for killing things, a little direct damage, and the ability to recruit all kinds of friends.

Side questing has become much more fun with Thurindir in the card pool. The ability to start with one in hand, makes it possible to get the buffs you want from these side quests. I pick The Storm Comes, in order to offer resource smoothing to pay for the allies. If you have The Road Goes Ever On attach it to a side quest in order to be able to fetch your other side quests to complete.

I believe that Steed of the North is a perfect fit for Faramir, for when it is attached to him, he can ready as well as one of your allies upon engaging an enemy. Faramir + Gondorian Shield + Steed of the North makes him a decent quester and defender.

This deck wants to take advantage of Steed of the North and I think the best way to do that is to kill enemies fast, enter Aragorn. He also gets a steed for action advantage as well as a Dagger of Westernesse to give him a little more attack power.

Elf-stone is to get out Yazan and/or Firyal.

Since the cost curve of most cards is low I decided to keep out Steward of Gondor and throw in three of Proud Hunters. This card is very thematic when playing Rangers in my opinion.

There should be plenty of card draw/fetch, so getting the pieces down to be competitive is pretty consistent.

I like to use Gandalf for threat reduction in order to make The dagger more powerful on Aragorn.

Have Fun and feel free to give feedback!


Apr 07, 2017 The White Wizard 536

Did you consider another copy of The Road Goes Ever On? It is pretty essential for Side Quests. Or another Sword that was Broken?

Apr 07, 2017 DazeMan 710

Yes, considered both of those choices. The deck has not struggled too much with consistency, but I could drop the Daggers to add those. Once Legacy Blade enters the card pool, I will make some tweaks to this deck. Definitely another copy of Road Goes Ever On. Thanks for the input!