This deck is designed specifically for play in a 4 player fellowship in the Against the Shadow cycle, although it could be played in any fellowship with Gondor and/or Dúnedain traits.
Originally I thought about running Aragorn and a Beregond/Beregond tower, but spirit Aragorn is very hard to build around, so I opted for his version instead: Aragorn. This gives me access to more resources to pay for things like Celebrían's Stone, which help pay for expensive cards like Northern Tracker. Having access to also lets me run things like Rune-master in a multiplayer game where we have Dúnedain Remedy drifting across the board.
Ignore the size of the side board. Most of the cards there have been swapped in at some point in our multiplayer Against the Shadow campaign.
Ideally, we're playing in a group that's also running Gondor heroes. Someone else should be providing Gondorian Shield and Armored Destrier for us to use, while we can reciprocate with Renewed Friendship.
Mulligan for Hauberk of Mail or Arwen Undómiel, at least one A Test of Will, and Tighten Our Belts. Resources will be very scarce in Druadan Forest, so if a player survives the round without spending any (or avoids having any resources deleted), Tighten Our Belts will help tremendously.
Try to mulligan for Thorongil so we can get out Aragorn quickly. The next priority card is Roheryn which will give us access to Tactics, allowing us to pay for the attachments to beef up Beregond.