RCO Beasts of the Woods

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
RCO Beasts of the Woods 2 1 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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wpflug13 83

wpflug13 has a newer deck inspired by this one: RCO Beasts of the Woods

Status: Unplayed

This is an RCO deck built with only cards from the revised core, Fellowship of the Ring, Ered Mithrin hero expansion, and Elves of Lorien Starter. The sideboard includes cards from the rest of the RCO that may be worth considering during deckbuilding as you expand your card pool.

This is a conglomeration or mini-archetypes from the Ered Mithrin hero expansion: Beornings, Woodmen, and Creatures. These archetypes can function together as a deck, but can also be used separately with different deck archetypes.

For Beornings, Grimbeorn the Old provides powerful defense and counterattack, particularly once he is combined with Raiment of War and Self Preservation. The same attachment combination is also quite strong in Beorn, though you'll likely want to wait until you've used his Action ability before doing that. Beorning Skin-changer or Elf-stone provides an inexpensive way of getting Beorn or Giant Bear into play.

The Woodman archetype centers around location attachments. They are most consistent in multiplayer games, where a location will be more reliable revealed each round.

Radagast supports the Creature archetype. Radagast's Staff should generally be used to provide the resource discount for playing a creature, which gives Radagast natural action advantage.