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In Play
Discard Pile
Mormegil 6432
This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 2-3, (1,4)
Rating: .5
This might not be a very powerful deck but I enjoy it a lot. Building a deck around the Palantir in combination with Denethor is not only wonderfully thematic, it is also extremely fun to play. With the Palantir in play from the beginning thanks to the The Grey Wanderer (which also negates both of its drawbacks through the contract's built-in ready and a somewhat enforced low starting threat), you have a large amount of scrying available to help with quantifying the challenge the encounter decks throws your way.
How To Play
As already mentioned, grab Palantir with the contract and put Inner Strength on Denethor. Aside from that, I like to see Steward of Gondor, Resourceful or Timely Aid early on to keep track with resources since you will draw quite a few cards through Palantir. From there on, you usually swarm your allies as quickly as possible to get some A Very Good Tales going.
Errand-rider, Pelargir Ship Captain, Warden of Healing and Campfire Tales are cards I really like in 3-/4-player-games, with Dúnedain Warning being a nice alternative to The One Ring/Inner Strength regardless of player count.