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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
cram 1
The first deck that I am happy to share. Nothing crazy, basic elements that work well together. Mostly using cards from early cycles, with a few Angmar ones.
Strategy wise, the idea is to buy some time with Beorn, for Théodred to generate resources while questing, and Beravor to draw cards. A quest failure the first two rounds is not too bad, as you have ample threat reduction with Sneak Attack + Gandalf.
After two rounds, allies start popping up. The cheap one goes first if needed to tank (like Snowbourn Scout to chump block). If no hurry, it is great to wait for the big ones like Faramir, Erestor and Galdor of the Havens.
If you can play Dúnedain Hunter early, it brings a huge boost to combat capability, with Beorn taking care of the engaged enemy. This allows for a potential attack of +8 on first round.
The defense is managed mostly by Beorn, Honour Guard, and Boromir. Landroval is obviously here to bring back Beorn (potentially with Sneak Attack), but it also provides a nice attack capability. No need for heavy healing, a single Warden of Healing is enough.
For questing, Faramir is the powerhouse, and the final push can even embark the 0 allies like Honour Guard.
No blue sphere here, so Dúnedain Watcher provides a way to cancel a game ending shadow card if needed.
There are many options to draw cards quickly:
- Cram to draw with Beravor while keeping her ready for other things.
- Daeron's Runes
- Gléowine
- Gandalf
- The Long Defeat
- Erestor (to recycle cards)
- Galdor of the Havens (works with Daeron's Runes, and also with Erestor)
- Rivendell Minstrel fetch song of battle if you do not have it already
To generate resource:
- Steward of Gondor
- Ranger Provisions which is very useful to help generate lore and tactic resource.
- Théodred questing. Most of the time, the resource goes on himself, but sometimes it can go on Beravor if she quest and lore resource is needed. In rare case it can even make sense to quest with Beorn despite its 0 to give him that one resource.
Song of Battle goes on Théodred for quicker access to tactic resources.
This deck managed to beat (in solo) the first cycle (except escape from Dol Guldur, did not try, no way) and the second cycle with relative ease. Shadow and flame was the most difficult one with success on the third try.