Hobbits are Coupon Masters

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Mr. Meson 75

I love Hobbit decks.

I wanted to have a solo Hobbit deck that could hold out in the early game, while quickly build up and, eventually, blast off with a large core of unique allies swarming the table.

The trouble with all of this is: unique allies are expensive! So, there must be solutions.

Starting in secrecy gives you a huge advantage. In your opening hand you really want to see at least one copy of Timely Aid and as many copies Resourceful as you can hope for. You have one turn in Secrecy: use it well! If your mulligan fails to yield better results, then there are ways to compensate for the missing links.

Once you are out of Secrecy, using Good Meal with Timely Aid is a solid combo.

Elf-stone's are also great for dumping allies out on the board.

Once Resourceful is going strong on each hero, you no longer need to worry about costs. Typically Merry is my first target for Resourceful, then Sam, then Pippin.

In LOTR campaign mode, this deck goes crazy. Fellowship of the Ring provides a great Willpower Boost, and Frodo's Intuition is just insane.I have successfully taken this deck through Black Riders and the Road Darkens, plus The Old Forest and Fog on the Barrow Downs.

This deck is best in solo, but can also be used in multiplayer. There are sometimes hero conflicts (surprise surprise), so just swap out for whatever non-unique allies you think would work best.


Dec 20, 2023 diogoribeir 7

Hi! What you suggest i remove to put this sideboards, since de deck already have 58cards, to play in campaing mode

Dec 20, 2023 doomguard 2006

i would reduce:

yes this are 12 , because i would add 3 Sneak Attack

and if you ever get your hands on The Shirefolk add it 3 times.

Dec 21, 2023 kjeld 642

And 3x Drinking Song! If you're using ALeP, then A Lesson in Caution is also 3x.