Thorin’s Dwarves

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

Schmeril 11

This is my favorite dwarf deck using Thorin Oakenshield. The stat bump from Dain Ironfootis well worth the lost hero action, and Nori threat control makes the decks high starting threat less of a concern. Getting to 5 dwarves in the first hand can be hard, which is why I look for Legacy of Númenor and Fili in a starting hand. The sooner King Under the Mountain is in as well, the better. Ered Luin Miner and Hidden Cache both can be played when discarded by KUTM, and will keep the deck growing. Early on, the deck struggles to attack back at enemies, but Cram and Unexpected Courage on Dain and Thorin give great options along with sneak attack Gandalf. Erebor Battle Master is also great to be brought in for battles either with sneak attack, or from the discard pile with To me! O my kinsfolk!. Narvi's Belt and Hardy Leadership aren’t essential for the deck work, but give extra options for Thorins resources, and make the dwarves a little more durable. in some variations I’ll change allies or events for long beard orc slayer. for quests with mountains or underground locations Ever My Heart Rises is a mandatory inclusion.